Finding an IPT doctor:
Complete Listing.
If you are already convinced that IPT is what you want, or if you just
want to get your IPT information from a doctor, go to our complete
doctors listing. There you can search IPT doctors by state or
country, years of experience, or the doctor's last
name. IPT only exists through the
doctors who practice it. Things to consider in choosing a doctor
Location -- you may want or need to see a doctor
close to home. If the doctor you want to see is
far from where you live, and your budget is limited, you may want to fly
for free by Angel Flight.
Experience -- many IPT doctors have only recently
learned IPT, but have practiced other forms of medicine for many years.
Other therapies -- Most IPT doctors also
practice other therapies that may be helpful for your condition.
Many practice holistic and oxidative therapies, nutrition, acupuncture,
etc. Only Dr. Perez Garcia, the most experienced IPT practitioner,
and grandson of IPT's discoverer, is the sole IPT-only specialist.
Personality & reputation -- We can't
help you with these. The doctor-patient relationship is a personal
and private one. You need to find a doctor who you feel comfortable
with, and who can meet your treatment needs. Listing of
doctors on just means that they have IPT training, and have
maintained good ethics, to our knowledge. We do not know them all
personally, but have been generally impressed by the ones we have
met. Simply by learning IPT, they have shown that they are
innovative and willing to try and adopt new things that could help
patients, long before other doctors catch on.